Committees and Task Forces

SMACNA carries out much of its work through committees, task forces and several other types of groups. Each committee has a specific purpose, defined at the time it is established. Explore the variety of available committees listed below.

Volunteering is one of the most profound ways you can give back to your association. Sharing your time and knowledge is invaluable, which is one of the reasons SMACNA greatly appreciates all its volunteers.



This Committee provides a structured institution within SMACNA to develop and offer high-quality programs and services directly designed to enhance the businesses, markets and profitability of SMACNA members performing architectural sheet metal, custom fabrication and manufacturing work. The Committee identifies and responds to issues and trends in the architectural metals, custom fabrication and manufacturing sectors that impact member businesses, markets and profitability.

For more information, contact Linda Jennings ( at SMACNA National.

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The Associate Member Committee provides a structure of benefits and incentives designed to enhance the development of communications and mutually beneficial business partnering relationships between SMACNA contractors and industry suppliers. The Committee also fosters the growth of industry supplier participation in the SMACNA Associate Member Program through direct contact and solicitation of prospective participants.

For more information, contact Bridgette Bienacker ( at SMACNA National.

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The Budget and Finance Committee, in cooperation with the staff and other committees, prepares a proposed annual budget for approval by the Board of Directors.

There are no volunteer opportunities this year.  For more information, contact Joye Blanscett ( or Leila Sader ( at SMACNA National.

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The Business Management Committee reviews and evaluates SMACNA’s educational programs.  These programs include Business Management University, Financial Boot Camp, Project Managers Institute, Advanced Project Manager Institute, SMACNA Leadership Development Program and Supervisor Training Academy.  The Committee also recommends the development of new national programs.  Each year the Committee reviews and makes recommendations to promote the survey and increase participation with SMACNA's Financial Survey Report.  The Committee reviews SMACNA's Chapter Education and Supervisory Training Programs and recommends replacement programs and/or new programs.  The Committee is also charged with identifying and recommending alternative delivery methods for educational programs.

For more information, contact Bridgette Bienacker ( at SMACNA National.

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The goal and scope of the Construction Technology Committee is to be a source of information for SMACNA members and help them compare and vet various technologies related to the construction industry, specifically virtual design and construction (VDC).

For more information, contact Linda Jennings ( at SMACNA National.

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The Convention Committee plans the program for the annual convention and product show. The Committee organizes a convention program to create an atmosphere that will present SMACNA contractor members and their families with educational and informational opportunities through educational sessions, forums, displays and a supplier trade exhibition. The convention is also designed to permit SMACNA membership to conduct the business of the association, to encourage membership participation in the activities of the association and to foster and renew a sense of pride in SMACNA.

For more information, contact John Franco ( at SMACNA National.

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The Credentials Committee monitors the delegate voting procedure in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.  This includes the validation of chapter delegates, ensuring that the number of delegate votes per chapter accurately reflects the number of members in good standing, resolving differences that may arise in the validation of authorized votes, and presiding over the balloting at the Annual Business Meeting.

This Committee is chaired by the SMACNA Immediate Past President.  For more information, contact Jason Watson ( at SMACNA National.

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The Director Nominating Committee is responsible for the evaluation of applications from eligible SMACNA members interested in serving in the position of director of SMACNA and developing a slate of candidates for election by the SMACNA membership during the annual business meeting conducted as part of the convention. The Committee consists of five members elected by the membership and five members appointed by the SMACNA president.

For more information, contact Aaron Hilger ( at SMACNA National.

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This Committee provides a structured institution within SMACNA to develop and offer high-quality programs and services directly designed to enhance the businesses, markets and profitability of SMACNA members performing HVAC, service contracting and duct manufacturing work. It identifies and responds to issues and trends in the HVAC, service contracting and duct manufacturing sectors that impact member businesses, markets and profitability.

For more information, contact Linda Jennings ( at SMACNA National.

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This Committee provides a structured institution within SMACNA to develop and offer high-quality programs and services directly designed to enhance the business markets and profitability of SMACNA members performing industrial sheet metal work. It identifies and responds to issues and trends in the industrial sector that impact member businesses, markets and profitability.

For more information, contact Linda Jennings ( at SMACNA National.

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The Investment Committee oversees the investment of SMACNA reserves in accordance with the investment policy approved by the SMACNA Board of Directors.

The Committee is comprised of Officers from SMACNA. There are no volunteer opportunities on this Committee.

For more information, contact Joye Blanscett ( at SMACNA National.

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The Labor Committee recommends and implements the labor relations policies and programs of the Association.  The Committee interacts with all SMACNA Committees, Task Forces and SMACNA-sponsored Trusts that interact with SMART to advance SMACNA’s labor relations strategies, goals and objectives.  The Labor Committee functions as SMACNA’s representative and spokesperson regarding all labor relations matters which are national in scope.  The Committee negotiates the Standard Form of Union Agreement (SFUA) and any specialty agreements and addenda with SMART.  Committee members serve as management arbitrators on the National Joint Adjustment Board (NJAB) to settle industry grievances and contract renewal disputes.  Additionally, the Labor Committee is charged with planning labor relations educational programs for SMACNA members and chapters.

For more information, contact Jason Watson ( at SMACNA National.

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The Legislative Committee is responsible for developing and monitoring strategy for legislative matters affecting SMACNA contractors. The Committee, with appropriate input from other SMACNA committees, determines whether existing policy dictates support or opposition for specific legislative initiatives and whether the SMACNA Board of Directors needs to establish new or modify existing policy.

For more information, contact Stanley E. Kolbe, Jr. ( at SMACNA’s Capitol Hill office.

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This Committee establishes a structured institution within SMACNA focused on developing and offering a set of high-quality programs and services directly designed to enhance SMACNA residential and service contractor member businesses, markets and profitability.  It identifies and responds to issues and trends in the residential sector that impact member businesses, markets and profitability.

For more information, contact Linda Jennings ( at SMACNA National.

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This Committee prioritizes and recommends non-technical projects and programs that enhance member businesses, markets and profitability in accordance with SMACNA’s strategic plan.

For more information, contact Linda Jennings ( at SMACNA National.

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The purpose of the SMACNA Safety Committee is to discuss current issues and topics in safety and health that affect the sheet metal and HVAC industry.  The Committee provides recommendations to the SMACNA safety and health department regarding future projects, products, and services to assist members in implementing and improving company safety and health programs.

There are no volunteer opportunities this year.  For more information, contact Justin Crandol ( at SMACNA National.

Donations for both SMAC PAC (personal contributions) and the Administrative Fund (corporate contributions) are solicited from individual SMACNA members and chapters. SMAC PAC is responsible for utilization of these funds and determines appropriate distribution of contributions to candidates.  Legislative Committee members serve as SMACNA’s representatives to the SMAC PAC Committee.

For more information, contact Stanley E. Kolbe, Jr. ( at SMACNA’s Capitol Hill office.

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This Committee strives to ensure the sheet metal industry embodies diversity, equity, and inclusion in every aspect of its work.

For more information, contact Jennifer Squirewell ( at SMACNA National.

For more information, contact Linda Jennings ( at SMACNA National.


The Technical Resources Committee members have prior experience as either members or Chairmen of one of the technical discipline task forces. The Committee monitors and coordinates the activities of the technical task forces with the objective of ensuring that SMACNA provides timely and cost-effective technical services to chapters and members.

For more information, contact Eli P. Howard, III ( at SMACNA National.

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The council is dedicated to the advancement of women who aspire to take leadership positions in SMACNA member companies and chapters who are interested in becoming involved in SMACNA both locally and nationally.

For more information, contact Bridgette Bienacker ( at SMACNA National.

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Task Forces

For more information, contact Linda Jennings ( at SMACNA National.

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For more information, contact Shawn Ohara ( at SMACNA National.

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For more information, contact Eli Howard ( at SMACNA National.

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For more information, contact Eli Howard ( at SMACNA National.

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For more information, contact Eli P. Howard, III ( at SMACNA National.

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College of Fellows

Membership in SMACNA’s College of Fellows is reserved for top industry professionals who have made significant contributions to advance the sheet metal industry, capping years of committed service and dedication.  

For more information, please contact Jason Watson at SMACNA National ( / (703) 803-2981).

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Trusts and Other Groups

The Chapter Executives’ Institute Executive Board has the primary function of planning the educational program for the annual Chapter Executives Institute. The Institute is designed to provide a continuing education experience for Chapter Executives to enhance professional skills and knowledge in local association administration. The Committee also functions as a liaison for Chapter Executives, National SMACNA executive staff, SMACNA Executive Committee (officers) and the Board of Directors.

For more information, contact Bridgette Bienacker ( at SMACNA National.

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SMACNA’s Council of Chapter Representatives is composed of two elected representatives from each chapter.  The council is the grassroots branch of SMACNA’s organization, bringing ideas and problems directly from contractor members to formulate into recommendations to the Board of Directors.  Through this information exchange, each SMACNA member is assured a voice in the association, thus ensuring the type of involvement that has made SMACNA a success.

For more information, contact Jason Watson ( at SMACNA National.

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The Political Pacesetters Council is a coalition of individual contributors who invest in their political and business future with a personal commitment of $5,000 per year to SMAC PAC. These Political Pacesetters have a frontline role in shaping SMACNA’s political agenda with the Washington D.C. power establishment, selecting the top candidates and parties to receive primary and general election funds from SMAC PAC, participating in meetings and key issue briefings with elected congressional leaders and staff both in D.C. and across the country, and seeing that industry interests and business issues are addressed on the record.

For more information, contact Stanley E. Kolbe, Jr. ( at SMACNA’s Capitol Hill office.

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The Employee’s Pension Plan Trustees determine the provisions of SMACNA’s employee pension plan and oversee the administration of the plan.

For more information, contact Leila Sader ( at SMACNA National.

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For more information, contact Eli P. Howard, III ( at SMACNA National.

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The Trustees of the Industry Fund of the United States (IFUS) are responsible for the general management of the trust fund. This includes the receipt of contributions and the approval and subsequent monitoring of programs and projects that improve and benefit the sheet metal and air conditioning industry and the contribution the industry makes to the community. Such programs include, but are not limited to, educational programs, public relations activities on an industry-wide basis that enhance job opportunities, establishment of technical standards that keep pace with industry developments, formulation of programs that promote harmony between employees and employers, and institution of programs that will assist the industry to be of greater service to the public. 

For more information, contact Aaron Hilger ( or Joye Blanscett ( at SMACNA National.

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Joint Industry Committees, Task Forces, Trusts & Projects

The Sheet Metal International Training Institute (ITI) is composed of trustees selected by SMACNA and SMART to direct and coordinate efforts in the development and maintenance of training curriculum, materials, and equipment to be utilized exclusively for journeymen education and training programs for the union segment of the sheet metal industry. The ITI also develops, conducts and maintains curriculum and training materials for journeymen apprentice program instructors. 

For more information, contact Eli P. Howard, III ( at SMACNA National.

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The National Energy Management Institute Committee appropriates and oversees the collection and disbursement of contributions used to achieve the objectives outlined by NEMI. 

For more information, contact Eli P. Howard, III ( at SMACNA National.

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The National Energy Management Institute (NEMI) was created by SMACNA and SMART in an effort to provide access to emerging markets such as indoor air quality, building retrofit, commissioning and recommissioning. NEMI’s Testing and Adjusting Balancing Bureau (TABB) is also providing SMACNA members with access to a certification process for TABB operations involving certified contractors employing certified ITI trained technicians and certified supervisors. 

For more information, contact Eli P. Howard, III ( at SMACNA National.

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The National Joint Adjustment Board for the Sheet Metal Industry (NJAB) is comprised of representatives from SMACNA and SMART and is designed to promote, improve and maintain peaceful labor relations among employers, chapters and local unions through the settlement of locally unresolved grievances and contract renewal disputes.  Strikes, lockouts and work stoppages are prohibited while NJAB procedures are ongoing.

For more information, contact Joye Blanscett ( at SMACNA National. 

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The National Pension Fund (NPF) was started in May 1966.   Although originally intended as a means of providing retirement benefits for Production workers, the Building Trades segment of the SMART quickly came on board.  SMACNA became a Plan Sponsor in 1999.

For more information, contact Joye Blanscett ( at SMACNA National. 

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For more information, contact Eli P. Howard, III ( at SMACNA National.

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The task force was formed to conduct a feasibility study of current and proposed infection control risk assessment certifications.

For more information, contact Eli P. Howard, III ( at SMACNA National.

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In accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of Article X of the Standard Form of Union Agreement (SFUA), grievances unresolved at the local level may be appealed for decision by a panel of two individuals, one representing SMACNA and one representing SMART. The management co-chair of the National Joint Adjustment Board (NJAB) appoints the panelist representing SMACNA and the labor co-chair of the NJAB appoints the panelist representing the SMART. These panelists, acting in the capacity of arbitrators, meet to hear and resolve grievances that have either been deadlocked at the local level or remain unresolved due to the failure of the Local Joint Adjustment Board to meet. In addition, local grievances involving “out-of-town” contractors may be appealed to a panel regardless of the decision of the local board. Except in case of a deadlock, the decision of the panel is final and binding. 

For more information, contact Joye Blanscett ( at SMACNA National.

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The Sheet Metal Industry Labor Management Cooperation Fund is to advance the interests and prosperity of the union, its members, signatory employers and associations— and customers and users of union services in the sheet metal industry. The LMCF is funded by contributions from SMACNA, SMART, the National Energy Management Institute, the International Training Institute and the Sheet Metal Occupational Health Institute Trust. 

For more information, contact Jason Watson ( at SMACNA National.

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For more information, contact Joye Blanscett ( at SMACNA National.

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The SMACNA/SMART Best Practices Market Expansion Task Force is charged with implementing strategies and projects to gain/re-gain market share. This group has been mapping out approaches so building owners, general contractors, industrial owners and large engineering and construction firms and all other decision makers will know more about the union sector of the sheet metal industry. 

For more information, contact Jason Watson ( at SMACNA National.

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The SMOHIT Board of Trustees works towards improving the health, safety, and well-being of its membership through the development of initiatives including state-of-the-art training programs, industry needs assessments, updated services, and awareness campaigns. 

For more information, contact Eli P. Howard, III ( at SMACNA National.

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