Speak Out on Behalf of Our Industry: Engage with Your Elected Officials

SMACNA National’s Capitol Hill Office staff work tirelessly to advance the interests of our members and represent our industry in Congress.

SMACNA National’s Capitol Hill Office staff work tirelessly to advance the interests of our members and represent our industry in Congress. Equally as important, though, is Chapter Leaders’ participation in advocating for initiatives that improves the contracting economy and, by extension, our members, partners and other stakeholders. With an historic infrastructure plan before Congress with hundreds of billions in HVAC related work, now is the time to speak up and reach out to elected officials wavering on taking action for buildings, airports, transit centers and so much more, all upgrades long overdue.

At the beginning of 2021, SMACNA President Angie Simon called on industry leaders to engage with their elected officials to boost our association’s impact though legislative action. Asking Congress to learn from SMACNA’s advocacy efforts by not only establishing new relationships with their Members of Congress, but also by staying up to date on the issues important to our industry.

Help SMACNA accomplish its legislative goals by reaching out directly to your members of Congress on the issue most important to your chapter’s members, and our segment of the construction industry. You can advance key issues such as:

  • Comprehensive infrastructure investments
  • Pension reform, IAQ retrofit grants for health
  • Transit and public buildings
  • Energy efficiency tax incentives
  • Federal procurement reforms
  • Regulatory reforms leveling the playing field for union contractors

Moving all these to passage depends on your involvement with your elected officials.

You can read about SMACNA’s efforts in Congress by keeping up with Capitol Hill Update, a regular column in each issue of SMACNews. You can also reach out to SMACNA Capitol Hill staff with questions or to raise concerns.

SMACNA strongly encourages its Chapter Leaders to  get involved and make a difference on industry issues by contacting your Senators and Representatives using SMACNA’s Take Action site. Ensure members of Congress know about your firm, our specialized industry and the SMACNA policy positions impacting the construction-related economy.