New Opportunities for Industrial Contractors - From Carbon Capture to Green Hydrogen and Beyond

New Opportunities for Industrial Contractors - From Carbon Capture to Green Hydrogen and Beyond

  • Mon, Oct 16, 2023
  • 7:30 AM
  • Grand Sonoran A-B, Level 1

Explore the dynamic landscape of market opportunities awaiting industrial contractors in the ever-evolving energy sector, especially as it moves to decarbonize. Discover the pivotal role industrial contractors play in the emergence of the fast-paced industrial market for carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). Carbon capture technology and the mega projects already underway, are drawing record amounts of private capital into the energy sector’s battle to lower carbon emissions, and contractors are at the forefront. Explore the engineering feats involved in capturing and repurposing CO2 emissions, from innovative technologies to large-scale CCUS projects.

 The session will also touch on emerging trends in the emerging market for clean hydrogen as a sustainable energy source. We will delve into the contractor interface of clean hydrogen production, storage, and distribution, offering insights into the projects on the horizon and the unique challenges contractors may face. In addition, recently announced industrial contracting projects will be featured. The panel will share current project examples, from renewable energy installations to infrastructure upgrades aimed at enhancing sustainability and reducing carbon emissions as well as environmental impacts.

Whether you're an established industrial contractor or considering entry into this dynamic field, this session offers a comprehensive overview of the opportunities and challenges in a rapidly transforming industry. Join us to gain invaluable insights and from policy experts discussing how the private sector utilizing recently enacted tax incentives are driving new market opportunities in industrial contracting.