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Video Sep 04 2019

SMACNA 75th Anniversary Video: Dick and Matt Cramer

As we head into SMACNA’s 2019 Annual Convention and the culmination of SMACNA’s 75th Anniversary, listen to Dick and Matt Cramer of Dee Cramer Inc. reflect on the history of SMACNA and how the organization has progressed through the years.

SMACNA in the News Aug 30 2019

Sheet Metal Journal: The Changing Face of Labor

Changing labor force demographics and supply are catalysts for change in labor force patterns in the sheet metal industry. No longer the exclusive territory of a single gender or ethnicity, initiatives focused on recruiting women and minority groups are growing among local SMACNA chapters and at the National level, and the momentum is building.

SMACNews Aug 20 2019

Capitol Hill Update: Multiemployer Plan Pensions

As previously reported in a SMACNA Alert, on July 24 the House of Representatives passed H.R. 397 the so-called Butch Lewis Act that would establish a gov-ernment funded Pension Rehabilitation Trust Fund to provide loans to failing plans that many experts think may never be repaid.

Contractor Spotlight Video Aug 19 2019

Contractor Spotlight Video: Therma

SMACNA recently visited Therma, a leading mechanical services company focused on designing, building, and servicing custom and complex mechanical systems.

Video Aug 01 2019

SMACNA Video: Carol Duncan

On the eve of SMACNA's 75th anniversary, Carol Duncan, CEO of General Sheet Metal, talks about what SMACNA has meant to her and her company throughout the years.

Member Update Aug 01 2019

SMACNA Board Approves Major Initiatives; Future Funding Requirements

In July 2019, the SMACNA Board of Directors agreed to commit resources to major new initiatives. The first and largest relates to workforce development. The Board agreed to a long-term program to improve the awareness of the HVAC / sheet metal industry and the opportunities it presents so that our industry is perceived by highly qualified candidates as an industry of choice for successful craft and non-craft professional careers.

Contractor Operations Manual Jul 19 2019

Strategies and Tools for Effective Procurement

Explore the importance that procurement has on the success of a construction project. 

Procurement on a construction project can account anywhere from 15% to 70% of a projects direct costs, yet this area is not often given the same weight as managing the risk of construction labor on a project. An effective procurement plan for any contractor should be focused on delivering the right material, at the right time, to the right location for the right price

This document covers the elements of an effective procurement plan, different methods for contracting materials, and tools to  manage that procurement. 

This document is free to members in the SMACNA Store.

  • Dollar SignPDF $75.00

Collective Bargaining Jul 01 2019

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SMACNA Substance Abuse Testing Guidelines

The SMACNA Substance Abuse Testing Guidelines provide an outline for employers to follow when drafting, implementing, and administering drug and alcohol testing policies and employee substance abuse assistance programs, especially in the context of a workforce covered by a collective bargaining agreement.

Procedural Rules

Procedural Rules of the NJAB

The NJAB process is conducted using the procedures set forth in the Procedural Rules of the National Joint Adjustment Board for the Sheet Metal Industry. Parties wishing to appear before the NJAB should familiarize themselves with the Procedural Rules.

SMACNews Jun 20 2019

Accountability and Leadership

Understanding the dynamics of accountability helps a leader create a culture where people learn to take responsibility for their own work — mistakes and all.