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Showing Results 1551 - 1600 of 1736

SMACNA Staff and Executive Committee

Aaron Hilger, CEO

Aaron Hilger is SMACNA’s Chief Executive Officer. He assumed the role in January, 2022 after a long career leading the Builders Exchange of Rochester as their President & CEO.  At Builders Exchange he managed 13 local and state wide trade associations, including the Construction Industry Association of Rochester, Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA) Rochester, the Roofers Industry Fund and New York State SMACNA.

Federal Contracting

Doing Business with the Department of Defense

DPAP wants to encourage companies to do business with DoD. To make it easier for companies to understand how to engage in the business process with DoD, DPAP is pleased to offer an introductory overview for companies based in the United States as well as a guide for foreign companies.


Jessie Stolark

Jessie Stolark is the Executive Director for the Carbon Capture Coalition, a non-partisan collaboration of more than 100 companies, unions, conservation, and environmental policy organizations, building federal policy support to enable economywide, commercial scale deployment of carbon management technologies. 

BMU Speaker

Angie Simon

Angie Simon is a past SMACNA President (2019-2021) and Advisor to the Board of Western Allied Mechanical in Menlo Park, California.


Mobilizing for the Future: Office Technology

SMACNA members are demonstrating ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit by accelerating key competencies, like offsite fabrication, and through critical pivots, like the creation of touchless sinks and providing metal breathing strips for masks.

Jurisdictional Disputes

Plan for the Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes in the Construction Industry Including Procedural

The Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO, on behalf of its affiliated National and International Unions and their Local Unions, joined with five employer associations to establish the Plan for the Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes in the Construction Industry (the Plan). This jurisdictional dispute resolution procedure has been in effect since 1984 and includes the terms of the Plan, the Procedural Rules and Decisions and Agreements of Record.

Chapter Executive Resources

Industry Fund of the United States Seminar

This seminar is intended to educate the chapter executive and the local Industry fund trustee about the legal framework in which industry funds must operate. Materials from previous seminars available.

Annual Convention Speaker

Ronald J. Eagar

As the chief operating officer at Grassi & Co. and a member of the firm’s Executive Committee, Ronald J. Eager offers more than two decades of experience in both public and private accounting. His expertise extends beyond the traditional areas of accounting and taxation, and he serves as a trusted advisor to companies in a broad range of industries, including construction. 

Mental Health Initiatives for Construction Professionals

What can the construction industry do to change attitudes about mental health? This male-dominated sector sees endless amounts of silent suffering due to preconceived notions, but some employers are fighting back against the stigma. Every construction business can do the same by educating their employees and revising company policies.

Premier Partner


For over 75 years, Titus has shown that functionality can also be beautiful. Titus makes air management products that deliver the highest degree of comfort, and these products have redefined what it means to be energy efficient. With a collection of smart technology products that optimize the use of natural resources, the Titus name stands for comfort, forward thinking and reliability.

CBA Language

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Sample Contract Language

SMACNA provides examples of favorable local contract language from industry collective bargaining agreements that could prove useful in considering and drafting contract proposals.This page lists examples of such language  submitted by SMACNA Chapter Executives or researched by Labor Relations Staff.

Federal Contracting

Dunn & Bradstreet number

The SAM Registration requires your company to provide a Dun & Bradstreet or D-U-N-S number. This is a unique nine-digit identification number for each physical location of your business.

National Energy Management Institute

A not-for-profit organization jointly funded and managed by SMACNA and SMART that provides valued education of emerging markets, new technology and advances in manufacturing and construction processes in the sheet metal industry. NEMI also provides supervisory level training for Testing Adjusting and Balancing (TAB), Fire Smoke Damper (FSD) testing, Smoke Control Systems (SCS) Testing, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), Sound and Vibration (SV) testing, and Mechanical Acceptance testing.

Labor Relations

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Trustee Resources

SMACNA offers educational opportunities to trustees of our industry’s trust funds. These resources focus on the basic trust fund and fiduciary principles identified by the Department of Labor (DOL) as being the most needed, as well as on new developments in the law and trends in controlling plan costs. 

Chapter Executive Resources

Local Joint Adjustment Board Training

This training provides valuable instruction and training on how to conduct a Local Joint Adjustment Board hearing. The program is offered free of charge and is held at the end of the December council meeting when offered.

Jurisdictional Disputes

Summary of Revised Jurisdictional Plan

Contractor's signatory to more than one craft, may find themselves faced with a jurisdictional dispute between those trade unions. Contractors may choose to stipulate to the Plan for the Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes, a jurisdictional dispute resolution procedure. Plan stipulation primarily benefits contractors who are signed to more than one trades' collective bargaining agreement.


Jason Watson

Jason Watson is the Executive Director of Labor Relations for the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA).  Mr. Watson has more than two decades of experience working with labor unions. 

Chapter Executive Resources

SMACNA Conflict of Interest Policy

This conflict of interest policy is designed to help directors, officers, committee members, task force members and employees of the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (“SMACNA”) identify situations that present potential conflicts of interest.

Annual Convention Speaker

Steve Taylor

As the principal of Taylor Engineering located in Alameda, CA, Steve Taylor is a registered mechanical engineer specializing in HVAC system design, control system design, indoor air quality engineering, computerized building energy analysis, and HVAC system commissioning. 


The Titus Return Canopy

With an easy-to-install covering over the back of return air grilles in the ceiling plenum space, this new product ensures that conversations taking place within a private office or conference room can remain private.

Chapter Executive Resources

Marketing Resource Center

The Marketing Resource Center provides chapter executives with the most recent and approved marketing and collateral material. Available materials all have customization options, so they can be branded with Chapter information and logos, while still retaining the SMACNA National brand identity.


NMA Grievance Procedure for Offsite Fabrication

The International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART) advised its local unions that off‐site fabrication for National Maintenance Agreement (NMA) jobs is not subject to the NMA grievance procedures. SMACNA agrees with SMART’s analysis of this issue. 

Sheet Metal Occupational Health Institute Trust

Serving the members of SMART and the contractors of SMACNA, SMOHIT addresses the impact of decades-long asbestos exposure on those working in the sheet metal industry, while simultaneously providing industry-leading health and safety solutions to minimize occupational illnesses and injuries for sheet metal craftsmen. SMOHIT is the industry’s leading resource for health and safety products and services.

Employee Policies

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New State COVID-19 Liability Laws

This presentation outlines the proposed “Safe to Work” Act, which imposes strict nationwide limitations on COVID-19 related tort liability.  The limitations are retroactive from December 1, 2019 and extend to October 1, 2024.

Project Management

SMACNA’s project management resources and educational programs provide members with the necessary tools to help them manage projects efficiently, safely and on-time.