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The Hard Work: Developing People

Building a great culture is, in part, the result of making hard decisions about finding, keeping, and developing great people. But too often we let the urgency of our need lower our standards.

Chapter Leadership Feb 25 2021

What to Focus on in 2021

Businesses faced unprecedented changes, disruptions and threats to their operating models in 2020, and yet it’s still hard to know which of those changes will be fleeting and which new policies and behaviors are here to stay.

Associate Members

SMACNA Associate Members represent a select group of companies that are committed to providing member contractors with the best service,  latest products and innovative solutions the market offers.

Premier Partner Zone

SMACNA’s Premier Partner Zone is a section of our website devoted to Premier Partner news and services. Read more about each company, related events, photos, news, and special announcements pertinent to SMACNA members.

Safety and Health

SMACNA develops safety programs, publications, services and videos to assist members in establishing and managing effective safety programs. SMACNA also communicates with OSHA and other federal agencies on issues affecting members and offers briefings on regulatory compliance issues.

Contractor Operations Manual Feb 10 2021

Navigating Cost-Plus Contracts: Understanding Profit Pockets and Negotiation Strategies

A cost-plus and a fixed-price contract are two types of construction contracts. Both are used frequently when entering into an agreement to build a structure or system. Each has its own special advantages and disadvantages for both the contractor and the buyer. For the sheet metal or HVAC contractor, the choice depends upon the situation, the needs of the client and the risk inherent in the construction.

This document is free to members in the SMACNA Store.

  • Dollar SignPDF $75.00

Letters and Testimony

SMACNA Urges House to Support H.R. 447, The National Apprenticeship Act of 2021

SMACNA members know that investing in registered skill training is the only way to ensure long-term viability and growth for the nation's most important industries.  This is why SMACNA supports H.R. 8294, The National Apprenticeship Act of 2020, which will provide statutory authority for the Office of Apprenticeship (OA) within the Department of Labor.

Contractor Operations Manual Jan 08 2021

Proven Practices for Conducting Successful Virtual Meetings

This publication covers the importance of foremen meetings to the success of a project. Meetings not only encourage collaboration by bringing stakeholders together, they help hold all parties accountable for on-time project completion. COVID-19 concerns and related safety protocols have mandated the need for increased virtual meetings, bringing the use of new technologies and communications and tracking tools to the forefront of project management. 

With regular meetings critical in construction, firms will continue to look for ways to limit on-site meetings while ensuring access to information, engaging participants and tracking accountability through virtual meetings and other technologies.

This document is free to members in the SMACNA Store.

  • Dollar SignPDF $75.00

Contractor Operations Manual Dec 31 2020

Maximizing Contractor Bonding Capacity

This publication helps the contractor better understand the bonding process, the different types of bonds and how to maximize bonding capacity within your company. Contractor bonding is becoming increasingly important. Bonds ensure owners that the contractor can deal with any problems and challenges that may arise. Examples of these challenges include labor shortages, material shortages, material delays or cash flow issues.

This document is free to members in the SMACNA Store.

  • Dollar SignPDF $75.00

Contractor Operations Manual Dec 18 2020

Integrated Project Delivery Guide

This Guide provides an overview of the Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) method from the perspective of sheet metal, HVAC, and mechanical contractors and can serve as a guide for those interested in expanding their market share into healthcare and other IPD market sectors.

IPD is found at the intersection of quality, cost and scheduling on a construction project where project teams, systems, business structures, and practices are all working collaboratively and tapping into the talents and insights of all team members in an effort to optimize efficiencies and reduce redundancies or waste throughout the construction life cycle (e.g., design, fabrication, installation, etc.).

This document is free to members in the SMACNA Store.

  • Dollar SignPDF $75.00

Webinar Dec 10 2020

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Webinar: Federal Bidder Protest Process

This webinar offered contractors a tour through the protest process and presented various options a contractor may have, depending upon the type of contracting vehicle the government is using, for contesting an outcome.

New Horizons Foundation Dec 08 2020

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Best Practices for Field Leader Succession

Field Leader Succession is the process of developing and transitioning new leaders so they can replace their predecessors at the foreman, general foreman, or superintendent level. This white paper focuses on best practices in field leadership transition from one generation to the next.

SMACNA Press Release Dec 07 2020

SMACNA Names Iowa Contractor Guy Gast as 2020 Contractor of the Year

The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA), the leading voice in promoting quality and excellence in the sheet metal and air conditioning industry, today announced Guy Gast, president of The Waldinger Corporation, Iowa Division, as the recipient of this year’s Contractor of the Year Award which was presented during SMACNA’s Annual Business Meeting.

Letters and Testimony

SMACNA Urges Congress to Support Tax Extenders

A collection of targeted tax provisions that expired in 2020, SMACNA would like to extend provisions, including 179D, offer building owners tax incentives to facilitate the retrofitting of existing commercial building indoor air quality ventilation and filtration systems.

Letters and Testimony

SMACNA Supports The American Nuclear Infrastructure Act of 2020 - S. 4897

In a letter to the Senate, SMACNA expressed its support for S. 4897, The American Nuclear Infrastructure Act of 2020.  Introduced by Senators Barrasso joined by Senators Whitehouse, Booker, Crapo, and Moore-Capito as original cosponsors. S. 4897 passed out of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee this week as amended with overwhelming support by a 16-5 demonstrating its strong bipartisan support.

Letters and Testimony Dec 02 2020

SMACNA Encourages Congress to Ensure Small Businesses Can Deduct Eligible Expenses

In the approved CARES Act, the PPP was designed to help small businesses survive major liquidity shortfalls, retain employees, and withstand an unprecedented economic disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, IRS notice 2020-32 undermines the PPP and creates severe challenges for small businesses by stating that normally deductible business expenses will not be deductible if the business pays the expense with a PPP loan that is subsequently forgiven. SMACNA members strongly endorse efforts to reverse this misguided IRS interoperation of the CARES Act.

Letters and Testimony

SMACNA Endorses H.R. 7079, The Clean Start: Back to Work Tax Credit Act

Though Congress included funds through expanded Small Business Administration (SBA) loans to businesses, SMACNA is concerned that the countless unanticipated safety, sanitation and health protocols for construction sites and firms can burden recovery from the economic downturn created by COVID-19. This oversight would be corrected if Congress passes H.R. 7079, The Clean Start: Back to Work Tax Credit Act.

Letters and Testimony

SMACNA Urges Senate to Support Small Business Paycheck Protection Program Reform Bills

Extending the loan forgiveness period for PPP loans would allow SMACNA businesses to use PPP loan funds to buy personal protective equipment for staff, and to pay for virus mitigation measures to comply with public health guidelines. Guidance is also sought for small business protections to keep workers connected to their jobs and to ease the financial burden on small businesses with regard to changing IRS guidelines.

Contractor Operations Manual Nov 19 2020

Recruit to Retire Best Practices

Employees are one of a company’s biggest expenses — and also one of its most important assets. Unlike major capital costs (like buildings, machinery, technology, etc.), human capital is volatile. Employees need to understand that a company invests in them with a hiring decision, and that the company wants them to stay until they retire.

In this publication, we explore the influence and impact of the pandemic; generational expectations; the advantages of remote work ; how to lead, communicate and incentivize behavior; the impact of this shift on organizational strategy and culture.

This document is free to members in the SMACNA Store.

  • Dollar SignPDF $75.00


‘A Pretty Good Win’

Even a global pandemic couldn’t sideline the construction of Allegiant Stadium, the new $2 billion home of the NFL Las Vegas Raiders and one of the most anticipated stadium projects in the Western United States.