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Showing Results 651 - 700 of 1736


System Air Leakage Test Standard

SMACNA has included a procedure for leakage testing of ductwork Since January of 1965. This process like many others has evolved after more research and feedback from the industry led to changes in both the pass/fail criteria and the application of testing. The next major leap forward is this standard. It goes beyond the duct and include procedures for any item included in a forced air system. This standard addresses leakage testing of any portion of, and up to the entire forced air system. It does so in a responsible manner where the pass/fail criterions are based on sound research specific to testing conditions and distributes the responsibility of system performance equitably. The testing process is reliable, practical and based on decades of experience.

  • Dollar SignBook $125.00
  • Dollar SignCombo $206.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $125.00

SMACNews Oct 31 2020

Capitol Hill Update: Pensions in Legislative Limbo

Pension relief and Composite Plans were in previous House-passed bills and Composites were included in the Grassley-Alexander pension proposal, so there had been high expectations pensions and Composite Plans would be included in a negotiated stimulus package.

Webinar Oct 15 2020

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Turning Field Obstacles into Opportunities

Supervisors and field leaders are constantly faced with field obstacles that prevent them from being successful and profitable. This EDGE Conference session offered extremely valuable insights to help you work towards mitigating, and eventually, eliminating these challenges.

Contractor Spotlight Video Oct 15 2020

Contractor Spotlight: Vidimos, Inc.

SMACNA recently spoke with Scott Vidimos, president and third-generation leader at Vidimos, Inc., and his team about how the industrial sheet metal contractor has evolved its business and technology to meet customer demand and needs over its last 75 years in business.

Webinar Oct 13 2020

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Advanced Enterprise Budgeting and Forecasting

Today, more than ever, Chief Financial Officers need to increase their sophistication in linking business strategy to budgeting and forecasting. This EDGE Conference presentation will help you gain a better understanding of the bottom up approach to budgeting using marginal contribution and return on equity principles.

Contractor Operations Manual Sep 20 2020

Improving Shop Workflow and Efficiency

Contractors need to analyze ways to improve their current shop layout before investing in any major expansion. With careful examination, you will often discover there is often more unused space available than you first thought.

This updated manual introduces new fabrication approaches and applications to SMACNA shop fabricators to help them become more competitive. The manual assumes members already have a sheet metal shop in operation, and these guidelines are intended to help increase the effectiveness and efficiency of current shop set ups.

The guidelines may also be applied when designing a shop from scratch, as long as the designer knows the basic sequence of the fabrication process. These guidelines are also useful when expanding an existing shop.

This document is free to members in the SMACNA Store.

  • Dollar SignPDF $75.00


Code Inspections Amid COVID-19

For building inspectors, the novel coronavirus has made many of them rethink the way they approach building certifications, and even the way they interact with people on the jobsite.


SEA Airport North Satellite Modernization

The North Satellite (NSAT) Modernization Project combines leading-edge engineering with natural motifs to create a high-tech space with a biophilic design — one that appeals to people’s innate love of nature.


Facial Coverings and Heat Stress

Contractors should evaluate facial covering polices very carefully and include heat stress assessments on all jobsites including identifying tasks and processes that would require mask use (when social distancing is not possible).

Contractor Spotlight Video Aug 13 2020

Contractor Spotlight: Poynter Sheet Metal

In response to growing customer demand, Poynter Sheet Metal has expanded its business to include modular construction which also included a 55,000 square foot expansion, bringing the total facility to 160,000 square feet.

Webcast Aug 07 2020

Pandemics and Productivity

This webcast breaks down the New Horizons Foundation report on Pandemics and Productivity in easy-to-understand pieces and explains how contractors can use the findings.

Federal Legislation

H.R. 5544 - Stop Unfair Bid Shopping (SUBS) Act

If enacted, the SUBS Act would provide federal construction subcontractors with confidence that when post-award subcontractor changes are made and cost-savings occur, the benefit accrues to the federal government and not exclusively to the prime contractor.