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SMACNEWS Jan 09 2023

End of 2022 Sees Continued Pro-Labor Push at the Federal Level

The Biden Administration, and federal agencies and enforcers, continue their broad-based push to reshape the workplace in favor of regulatory and labor interests, as well as increased private-sector unionization efforts. Several ongoing developments, in particular, merit ongoing monitoring and response efforts from employers seeking to avoid federal scrutiny and maintain compliance with ever-increasing workforce management requirements. 

Contractor Operations Manual Dec 31 2022

SMACNA Partnership

The SMACNA Partnership manual is your comprehensive guide to navigating and thriving in the world of strategic partnerships. In response to economic and labor challenges, many companies are now considering partnerships with other firms, including direct competitors. This manual defines partnerships as close cooperative relationships where parties share specified rights and responsibilities, working together to gain a competitive edge.

The manual covers crucial aspects of partnering, including understanding the short and long-term benefits, identifying and evaluating potential partners, and monitoring partnership performance. Gain insights into the advantages of strategic partnerships and learn effective strategies for finding and assessing compatible partners. With guidance on measuring and tracking partnership performance, this manual equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to create successful collaborations that drive growth and boost competitiveness.

This document is free to members in the SMACNA Store.

  • Dollar SignPDF $75.00

Contractor Operations Manual Dec 31 2022

Advancing Your Business Negotiation Skills

Advancing Your Business Negotiation Skills is a comprehensive manual that transforms your approach to negotiations. It provides practical guidance and recommended best practices for both pre-contract and post-contract negotiations. Discover strategies to maximize cost savings, strengthen your competitive position, and foster mutually beneficial outcomes. With step-by-step instructions and actionable advice, this manual equips you to navigate various negotiation scenarios with confidence. Unlock the full potential of your business and achieve remarkable results with advanced negotiation skills.

This document is free to members in the SMACNA Store.

  • Dollar SignPDF $75.00

SMACNA Comments Dec 13 2022

Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Under the Fair Labor Standards Act

SMACNA comments in support of the DOL’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking — Employee or Independent Contractor Classification under the Fair Labor Standards Act published Oct. 13, 2022. SMACNA believes that the construction industry needs stronger protections against the deliberate misclassification of workers as independent contractors — also called “worker status fraud.” SMACNA believes the DOL should develop rules specific to the construction industry to prevent unscrupulous contractors from deliberately misclassifying workers to gain an unfair advantage for law-abiding contractors that pay workers middle-class wages and benefits.

SMART/SMACNA Joint Letter to the White House Task Force Dec 06 2022

Upgrading Standards for Registered Apprenticeship Programs

On behalf of our thousands of union members and signatory contractors, the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART) and Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association (SMACNA) would like to reiterate our appreciation for the opportunity to share our recommendations with the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment. These new recommendations address upgrading the standards for registered apprenticeship programs (RAPs) in 29 C.F.R. part 29 and supplement the recommendations concerning apprenticeship standards in SMART’s June 25, 2021 letter (attached) to the Task Force.

SMART/SMACNA Joint Comments Nov 04 2022

Requirements in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

The IRA’s massive investments to fight the climate crisis will incentivize expansion of workforce training and creation of career-sustaining, middle class jobs by providing expanded tax credits for taxpayers that satisfy prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements.

SMART/SMACNA Joint Comments Nov 04 2022

On Requirements in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

We recommend that the Treasury Department require that home energy auditors hold the following certifications accredited by the ICB in order to receive credit: Total Building Energy Audit Technician, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)/Ventilation Verification Technician, Indoor Air Quality/Ventilation Verification Contractor and Indoor Air Quality/Ventilation Verification Supervisor. These certifications hold third-party accreditation status, have strong standards, and play a critical role in auditing and assessing the energy performance of buildings. The ICB is a recognized leader in providing certifications for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) industry.

October 27, 2022

SMACNA Interview: Angie Simon

Former SMACNA president talks about the last two years at the association's helm and shares developments regarding Western Allied Mechanical and the Heavy Metal Summer Experience.

October 27, 2022

SMACNA Interview: Kathy Kerber

President of KSM Metal Fabrication talks about her company’s work on various projects within the aerospace sector, including a new jet for the U.S. Air Force.